I recently got this new phone. Its mooosst amazing. I love android! The first thinf i did, of course, was look at ereaders. I have about 200 ebooks on my computer, so i wanted to use them on my phone.
When you first look at ereaders its sort of confusing because all the options. I wanted only the best with all the options!!! Ive tried about 6 different readers and decided on *congrats music* Aldiko for android!!
I choose aldiko for 3 mains reasons: bookshelf view, dictionary lookup and the homescreen shortcut option.
Once you import your books (or buy books from the market) you have a bookshelf view and a list view. The book shelf view is just beautiful, plain and simple. The list view lets you filter and sort your books with more options. I also like how you can edit the book details, like title/author or rating then filter them (like only 5 star items).
Once you open the book, the page rendering is beautiful! Images and everything show up beautiful. If you hold your finger on a word , it highlights and a popup will give the option to search the book or lookup in the dictionary! If you highlight a whole line, you can export it to a facebook, twitter or other social media app you have installed!!! Wowowowo! One thing comes to mine: "quote sharing"!
Lastly, shortcuts! With android (unlike iphone) you have homescreens. This are similar to your desktop on a computer. You can add widgets shortcuts and a plethora of others things here. If you have aldiko you can add a shortcut to any book here! The icon will be the bookcover and when pressed youll go the the exact spot in the book you stopped at before.....wow.
So if i have excited you about ereaders yet, stayed tuned because i plan on talking about some other good ones. Sorry if i gushed too much here, i just really really very much love my aldiko! If you have any questions about aldiko, other erading apps or ereading in general, add a comment and ill try to research and answer!
Thank you soo much for visiting my blog!!
Ps. If you use overdrive from your local library to checkout ebooks, you can read then return them directly from inside aldiko. Omgosh...love this!
Sorry for grammar/spelling stuff! Posted from my phone via Blogaway. hard to edit...
+ comments + 1 comments
sigh...i forgot this: www.aldiko.com/features.html :-)
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