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How I Review My Books

I review my books differently than others! I just ask myself some questions regarding the books, then calculate the answer.

Here's the Questions I ask:

Did it make me laugh?
Did it make me cry?
Do I like the Cover?
Was i satisfied with the Climax?
Was I satisfied with the ending?
Could I relate to the Main "female"?
Was the main "male" desire able?
Could you be friends with the Protags friends?
Could I picture myself in that setting/place?
Would I read another book by this Author?

For each question, i give it points. Yes=3 points, Maybe/A Little=2 points, No=1 point.
I score the questions then find the rating:

5 stars = 30 - 24 points
4 stars = 25 - 21 points
3 stars = 20 - 16 points
2 stars = 15 - 11 points
1 star = 10 and below

In the tags, i'll be adding different things like rating, point of view, emotional value, book size, and topics.


With love,

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Posted on Monday, January 7, 2013

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