Title: The Forest of Hands and Teeth
Author: Carrie Ryan
Series Info: Book 1 of 3
Theme: Zombies, PostApocalyptic, Dystopian
Rating: 5 Hearts
Summary: Through twists and turns of fate, orphaned Mary seeks knowledge of life, love, and especially what lies beyond her walled village and the surrounding forest, where dwell the Unconsecrated, aggressive flesh-eating people who were once dead.
My Overall Thoughts: The town in which the main character lives is surrounded by a fench. There is nothing outside of the fench except woods...and zombies! There are no other towns..or at least thats what everyone is told and is urged to believe!! Although...somehow there are these trails that go off into the woods...Do they really lead to nowhere?
I must say, i really loved this book!! The writing was greatly detailed and beutifully paced. It was nice to see the characters grow and change from just believing everything they hear to discovering things from themselves. I really love the action and zombie scenes!! I was very suspenseful, the whole book was sort of exhausting. For the whole huge journey i was like "Aaahhhhh get there already"..or get somewhere besides walking around on the trails. Im still undecided about the ending and where they actually "get".
This was my first zombie book ive ever read i really liked it. Before i read it, i half expected a human zombie love thing...but its pretty clear in the first few pages that that wont be happening! I like that the book is different in that it focus on life, loss, faith and strength instead of only love. This is why i gave it 5 hearts.
What I Liked: I really like the "love" in this books. Not only the romance but Mary's love for her family, friends, and self. Mary has to go through SO much loss and destruction...but she doesnt get too bitter.
What I Didn't Like: I didnt like that the part right towards the end when they get to the end of the path...I dont want to spoil it...but youll know what i mean when you get there!! It just seems so unfair...its like "WHAT? You have got to be kidding me"... In actuallity its a very realistic and possible situation...im just soo used to YA having perfect sweet endings where everyone lives happily ever after. Ms. Ryan is not afraid to leave the sugar coating elsewhere. These things werent enough of a dislike to lower the rating though.
My Favorite Quote: "We are our own memory-keepers and we have failed ourselves."